Your PRIVACY is our crucial priority.

We apply cookies to maintain sessions throughout the portal. It helps us to serve you essential content. Furthermore, we store information about your IP so as to find and protect spammers, ultimately that helps keep your account secure & safe.

We never share or sell your personal information with anyone, unless we're legally bound to do so.

For Students:

Once you close your post, no new teacher can contact you. On the other hand, teachers who got your contact details before you closed your requirements can still contact you.

Delete Account:

You can easily close the account by changing the profile settings. Even if you delete your account, we still keep your details up for security and legal reasons.

If you require any more information or have any queries, please feel free to contact us.

Manage Data by Google login

If you choose to login with Google, we apply your Google email for registration. Use the 'friends invite' feature where you get an opportunity to select the contacts you invite.